Taking a break… (May 2024)

It’s time for another hiatus. I’ve been struggling to keep up with Gotham Calling’s longer posts for a while, mostly stitching together loose thoughts that I noted down here and there… Hell, I got a simple challenge in the comments months ago that I’ve been meaning to answer, but even that proved surprisingly tricky. At this stage, it’s just too hard to find the time and headspace to come up with something creative beyond recycling what I’ve written before (and, as they say, you can’t go back home). Plus, I suppose there’s a limit to how much I can think and read and write about this sort of stuff with an ongoing genocide on my mind.

Since this has always been a personal, non-commercial project, I see no need to force things further. So, yeah, I will keep up Monday’s awesome cover compilations because I still believe fun has a role to play even among desperate times, but I doubt I’ll be doing Thursday’s longer posts in the upcoming months, at least until I can put in the energy and excitement I feel the blog deserves.

That said, while I love endings, this is not one. Not yet, anyway.

2000 AD and Tornado #176

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3 Responses to Taking a break… (May 2024)

  1. Matt says:

    Hey, I’ve read your posts for a long time, but never commented on them.

    It’ll be sad you won’t be around to post for awhile. I really love your musings on the writers and artists involved in the Bat books. You’ve encouraged me to seek out a lot of comics I’d never considered before thanks to your posts. I hope one day to read what you think about Tim Sale and Paul Dini in particular if you get around to writing about them.

    Keep up the good work, but enjoy your break 🙂

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